Six-Ear Macaque: Awakening Cheat


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Oct 28, 2023
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Six-Ear Macaque: Awakening Cheat more than +12 options. Thanks to this cheats, you can customize your game.

Developer: 红景天娱乐
Publisher: 红景天娱乐
Cheat Coder: AcodSr0ck
Game About: Six- Ear Macaque: Awakening is a casual role-playing game based on the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. The protagonist is one of the Six- Ear Macaque, is one of the "mixed four monkeys", ability and Sun Wukong equal. In the game, you will explore the legendary path of your destiny. Do not use this version on retail servers, if you're playing on retail official servers, notice: You can not click on any button or write/move in the game when menu opened. You need to close menu with Insert key.


How to install Six-Ear Macaque: Awakening Trainer​

Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
Glow - render glow effect on entities
Chams - color player models to improve visibility
Esp - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
Style - select menu window layout and colors
Misc - miscellaneous features
Reportbot - automatically report players on server for cheating or other abusive actions

Unzip rar and open the exe file.
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If the trainer does not work, download all 2 files and then install them.

File Date added File size Downloads
exe Full.Access.Six-Ear Macaque: Awakening Cheat-FLiNG
Standalone Versions:
zip Early.Access.Plus.Six-Ear Macaque: Awakening Cheat
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