Working Forest Runner Trainer Fling


This means the trainer/cheats is actively running.


This means the trainer/cheats are actively in maintenance mode.

Not Working

This means the trainer/cheats are not working.


Oct 28, 2023
Reaction score
Forest Runner Trainer Fling more than +38 options. Thanks to this trainer fling, you can customize your game.

Developer: Pumpk1nDuke
Publisher: Pumpk1nDuke
Trainer Coder: NrAntiFun
Game About: The game is a platform runner. The game is also suitable for offline play. The game is designed to just take a break from the action games and just walk around. You can just walk around the map, you can try to embed your files for yourself. The main task is to try to find way to get out from there. Formulated by the Trainer Raxne group, this software has emerged. At present, the trainer encounters a non-operational status within the game's <strong>online segment</strong>. Feel free to reach out to us for any glitches you come across. The trainer aligns seamlessly with the most recent game version. An estimated file size of approximately 89 MB is foreseen.


How to install Forest Runner Trainer​

The Trainer offers a set of 6+ functions and is compatible with all iterations of the game. To initiate the program, extract the contents of the archive, launch the Trainer, click on the game icon, and subsequently launch the game. The options menu can be accessed by pressing the F4 key.

Key Bindings

Numpad 0
Numpad 1
Numpad 2
Numpad 3
Numpad 4
Numpad 5

The default value is 7, with the maximum value being 21. To revert to the original effect, please restore the value to its default setting.

File Size: 89 MB.


If the trainer does not work, download all 2 files and then install them.

File Date added File size Downloads
exe Full.Access.Forest Runner Trainer Fling-FLiNG
Standalone Versions:
zip Early.Access.Plus.Forest Runner Trainer Fling
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